We are working toward Ringsaker having sustainable, modern, and forward-looking farming.
A vision for zero building on agricultural land – increased self-sufficiency – reduced climate gas emissions.
Circular economy, misplaced resources
We need to end the abuse of our foundation of life, climate gas emissions, social injustice, and unethical treatment of animals.
Incentives for reduced rest waste – production of biogas and fertilizers – recycling centres
Homes, business life and mobility
The municipality must provide rental homes at cost price. We need to invest in new areas like environmental technology and sustainable production. Increased investments in trains and buses as well as increased facilitation for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Subsidy schemes for renewable energy sources and measures for increased efficiency – free public transport for everyone under the age of 26 – safe school roads
School, integration, and diversity
We must give the youth an understanding of their role as a citizen of the world, letting them develop empathy and compassion for fellow humans, cultures, nature, and animals.
More social and cultural arenas – free fruit, greens, and hot school meals – realistic and informative sexuality education.
Everyday economy og environment friendly consumption
Shopping locally and making environmentally friendly and ethical choices should be simple and rewarding.
Focus on local producers – environmental demands with municipality purchases – upgrading the infrastructure.
Nature, diversity of species and animal protection
We want a harmonic co-existence with nature and animals therein, protection of the natural qualities of Mjøsa and formally protect 30% of the natural areas around us according to the UN Nature Agreement.
Restore ecosystems – increased control to disclose illegal hunting – establish an Animal Supervisory Agency.
Citizen power, good health, and culture
Health politics should concentrate more on preventive measures such as diet and lifestyle. This starts at a young age with building self-esteem and safety.
Strengthen the psychological health system – dentist services included in the national health system – dignified care for the elderly – support attempts with a six-hour workday.
We need to strengthen our preparedness in all areas. A good total preparedness without a large-scale investment in local preparedness is not possible.
More local storage for grains, food, and medicines – strengthen the civil defence – a plan for renovating safety shelters – establish allotments.